"Never give up on something​ that you can't go a day without thinking about."
-Winston Churchill
Available now!

Three aspiring actresses set out to break into the cut-throat world of acting in Los Angeles. As each young woman is forced to face her deepest fears and insecurities, they all discover the lengths to which they will go to fight against failure. The promise of Hollywood is tempting, but what will they do when that promise is broken? How will they cope when pushed to their breaking points? Butterfly Caught offers a peek into the darker side of Hollywood's bright facade, exposes the seduction of fame and captures the thirst for relevance in a competitive city that cycles through talent and destroys ambitions.

- Anthony Digioia,
SilverScreen Analysis
- Ruth Maramis,
“Fantastic Film. It keeps the focus on the reality of the industry and captures what real Hollywood people experience everyday.”
"Terrific! Resonant and timely given the recent Hollywood scandal..."

Our objective was to deliver Butterfly Caught as a stylistic film that will not only target the millions of aspiring people of this industry, but also satisfy the average viewer's fascination behind "celebrity". The truth is, our society is intoxicated by the world of entertainment and the talented stars that come with it. So why not make a film that exposes this world and feed the audience's obsession? This story does just that. Butterfly Caught will provide viewers with that glitz and the glamour they so long for, while still exposing the ugly truth of the obstacles that await on the road to stardom.

We assure you, even through this film depicts brutal truth, Butterfly Caught is a fun and entertaining ride with interesting characters and a refreshing look at the business and process that captivates us. Even through its realism, its message and outcome still serves as inspiration to struggling artists everywhere.

the people.

director, writer



director of photography



actor, producer

actor, producer


associate producer


sound supervisor